What to Know About Urology in London?

7 MIN READ - July 22, 2024
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Urology is the branch of medicine that studies the health, disorders, and diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems. Urology in London doctors specialise in treating various diseases and disorders of the urinary tract and genitourinary system. 

Urologists examine the organs and treat cancers associated with the genitourinary system, such as bladder and prostate cancer

Therefore, urology plays an important role in treating common diseases that affect many people. Many people with urological problems experience serious discomfort in their daily lives. 

What Does Urology Mean?

Health problems related to the urinary and reproductive systems affect many people. Urologists' main task is to protect the health of the urinary system and treat its diseases. 

Urology does not only deal with diseases of advanced age; urological problems seen in children are also of interest to this branch. Urologists perform the treatment of urinary incontinence in children. 

In addition, surgeries for congenital anomalies and developmental disorders of the genitourinary system are also within the specialty of paediatric urology.

What Does Urology Cover?

Urology deals with diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems. Problems arising from male reproductive organs and female urinary tract infections are among the conditions treated by urologists.

With the advancement of modern medicine, treatment methods in urology have also developed, and many surgical interventions have started to be performed with less invasive methods. 

Today, urology has successfully treated many diseases, such as urinary system stone diseases, urinary incontinence in men, sexual dysfunctions, and cancers of the reproductive organs. 

How to Prevent Problems in Urology?

It is very useful to follow some basic rules to prevent urological diseases. It is important for the health of the urinary system to eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and fibre-rich foods. 

Drinking plenty of water helps the kidneys work regularly and cleans the urinary tract. Not smoking is essential for the health of the urological organs.

Men should regularly undergo sexual health screenings to prevent sexual diseases. Women should perform monthly breast and gynaecological self-examinations. Regular visits to a urologist are very useful for the early diagnosis of possible diseases. 

It should not be forgotten that preventive medicine is essential in urology, and all necessary measures should be taken to prevent diseases.

What Can Be Tested for in Urology?

In urology, many conditions can be tested for. Urological tests detect basic problems such as urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and prostate swelling. 

Bladder, kidney, and prostate cancer tests are performed for cancer screening. The main tests in urology include urine and blood tests, ultrasonography, cystoscopy, and biopsies. 

  • Urine tests are important for detecting signs of infection and cancer. 

  • Blood tests are used to monitor the functioning of the kidneys and detect tumour markers. 

  • Ultrasonography can detect anatomical changes and bladder or kidney stones. 

  • Cystoscopy allows the inside of the bladder to be observed with a bladder glass. 

  • Biopsies are used to take tissue samples in cases of suspected cancer.

At Medstar London Health Clinic, all tests are performed by specialised urologists. Advanced equipment and experienced doctors enable the early diagnosis and treatment of urological disorders.

What Does a Urology CT Scan Reveal?

Urological computed tomography provides detailed visualisation of the kidneys, urinary tract, and bladder. Possible anatomical disorders, tenderness, infections, and tumours can be detected. 

Kidney stones, kidney cysts, bladder stones, and bladder wall thickening can be seen with computed tomography. 

Urological tomography is a drug-free screening method applied to the abdominal region. It does not require any preparation by the patient, but it may be requested to be scanned while the bladder is full. 

The patient is placed on a horizontal table and moved into the tomography device during the scan. The patient may need to hold their breath briefly during the scan. Radiologists evaluate the images obtained as a result of tomography. 

The advanced urological tomography devices at Medstar London Private Health Service Clinic provide superior image quality. With the evaluation of expert radiologists, the diagnosis is highly accurate.

What to Do Before a Urology Appointment?

Before having an appointment with a urologist, there are a few important things one should keep in mind to prepare for the doctor's visit. First, reviewing your medical history and listing current symptoms and health issues to discuss with the doctor is essential. 

Bringing a full record of medical tests and procedures done recently, medications taken currently and in the past, as well as allergies, will help the urologist have a clear understanding of the health situation.

In addition, preparing questions to ask the doctor regarding any concerns about urological health or any tests and procedures that may need to be done is important. Questions help the patient become an active participant in the treatment. 

Furthermore, bringing someone along to the appointment is useful for emotional support and having another set of ears to listen to the doctor. Another person may remember certain details that the patient missed during the appointment.

Urology Cancer Symptoms

Urological cancers of the urinary tract and the male reproductive system can often present with symptoms associated with noncancerous conditions. 

However, certain symptoms should be alarming and require further medical evaluation. Blood in the urine, known as hematuria, is a common symptom of bladder and kidney cancers. 

Changes in urinary habits, increased frequency and urgency to urinate, or difficulty urinating may indicate prostate cancer. Low back pain on one side that does not go away can also be a symptom of kidney cancer.

In men, swollen or painful breasts or testicles could indicate testicular or prostate cancer. Enlarged lymph nodes in the groyne or a lump in the scrotum may also indicate testicular cancer

Erectile dysfunction, especially in younger men, and loss of bladder or bowel control are other serious symptoms that require immediate medical attention. 

In older men, prostate cancer may not cause symptoms at the early stages but can present with bone pain or fractures if it spreads to the bones.

Do Blood Tests Show Urological Cancer?

Blood tests have been used to diagnose urologic cancers for many years. Recently developed immunohistochemical tests and tumour markers play a major role in the early diagnosis of urological cancer

Histopathologic examination of surgically removed tissues is the most effective method of diagnosis. Blood tests can be an alternative method for screening and diagnosing urologic cancers. 

Also, blood tests help to determine the risk of urological cancer by detecting some tumour markers in the blood and molecules released from tumour cells through genetic tests. 

Measurements of tumour markers such as PSA in prostate cancer, NMP-22 and CYFRA-21.1 in bladder cancer, and CA-15-3 in kidney cancer contribute to the diagnosis. 

What Happens in a Male Urology Exam? 

A urology examination in men is usually performed to evaluate the urological system, including the bladder, urethra, testicles, epididymis, and prostate gland. The doctor obtains the necessary information during the examination by asking about the patient's medical history. 

A physical examination is performed to understand the system's condition. The prostate examination is performed especially in men over the age of 40. 

Here, the size and consistency of the prostate, which is reached rectally with the finger, and the nodule, if any, are tried to be detected. 

What to Expect at a Female Urology Exam?

The urology examination in women evaluates the urological system, such as the bladder, ureters, kidneys, and urethra. The urologist will interview the female patient, listen to her complaints, and obtain information about her medical history. 

During cystoscopy, the inside of the bladder is examined to look for possible tumours or other pathologies. Infections such as urethritis and cystitis that cause urethral stricture in female patients are also treated by urologists. 

Treatment of incontinence problems and procedures such as stone surgery are also within the specialty of female urology

Which London Clinic Has a Urology Department?

Medstar London Health Clinic has a urology department with modern and effective treatment methods. The specialists working in our healthcare facility have high levels of training and experience.

Our urology department in London successfully treats various conditions, from bladder cancer to prostate problems. We utilise all the possibilities of developing technology to offer you the most appropriate treatment option. 

We have a wide range of products, such as rubber urological catheters, urethral catheters, and vaginal speculums. We offer the most comprehensive medical services and treatments at the most affordable prices. 

You can create your online appointments by downloading the Medstar application to your smart devices and browsing the doctors of the Medstar private health clinic

While Android users can download the application from the Google Play Store, iOS users can access the application from the App Store. We are just a call away. Contact us for your health and ask for your appointments!


* Please note that the content of this blog has been reviewed by healthcare professionals, the views expressed herein are solely those of the author and should not be construed as expert advice. We value the input of our readers and encourage thoughtful engagement with the content provided. If you are willing to use this information stated here please advise with healthcare professionals.

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