Blood Test in London

6 MIN READ - June 14, 2024
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Blood test in London is a very fast and easy process, it is carried out by transferring the blood sample taken from the patient to the doctors of the department after being examined by the laboratory.

Before the diagnosis of many diseases, the blood test is a stage that is requested from the patients in the controls, measures the blood values ​​of the patient and a treatment process is carried out by looking at these values.

What is a Blood Test?

A blood test is a medical procedure used in analyses to diagnose various diseases of patients. The blood test is usually performed by examining a blood sample taken from the patient's veins with the help of a needle.

Afterwards, it is sent to the laboratory for analysis and examined by specialist doctors according to the results. Blood tests are used to detect various conditions such as infections, blood values, cancer, anaemia in the body. It occurs as a result of the evaluation and examination of various values ​​in the blood of the patient.

It is a desired test before important steps such as detecting diseases, developing treatment processes and determining drug recommendations. At the same time, it is an important step to detect the symptoms of the patient in the treatment process and to take the process in a healthier way.

Blood tests measure many values ​​found in the patient's body, including red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, glucose, and various enzymes. Based on the results of the blood test, Medstar doctors can diagnose necessary medical conditions and initiate the patient's treatment processes.

Who Recommended a Blood Test?

A blood test may be requested from patients for a number of different reasons. The first of these may be to diagnose medical history or the history of genetic diseases. Another reason may be to follow the effects of medical treatment or drug treatment on the patient.

To screen certain health conditions, a blood test is a necessary action. It may also be needed to control the condition of diseases that do not have obvious symptoms, such as cholesterol, diabetes.

At the same time, a blood test can be applied to keep the function or condition of organs such as the liver or kidney under control. 

The blood test, which is applied specifically to each patient, may be required in certain cases, or may be requested in special cases. It is a process requested by Medstar expert teams and performed by Medstar technicians.

What are the Main Blood Test Types?

We offer laboratory services that include a wide range of control and treatment processes in our clinic. We keep the prices of our tests as affordable as possible and we care about our patients. We prepare the results of most of our blood tests in less than 4 hours.

According to the method you choose, we send you the results by fax, phone or email. We also have the test results reviewed by Medstar's GPs and share the results with our patients.

Some of the more common blood test profiles we offer:

  • General Wellness Screening Profiles

  • Blood Test packages & Disease Screening

  • Sex Hormone, Fertility and Infertility Profiles

  • Travel Screening Profiles-Pre & Post travel

  • Occupational Health & Immigration Screening

  • Sexual Health Screening

  • Pregnancy & Pre-Pregnancy Screening

  • Vitamins Nutrition & Lifestyle

  • Pre-Operative Blood Test

  • Allergy Testing

What is the Most Important Blood test? 

Although the types of blood tests performed at our Medstar hospital generally vary according to the patient, our package, which is the most extensively studied and preferred in the diagnosis of diseases, stands out as general wellness screening profiles. 

At the same time, with blood test packagesdisease screening, you can learn the status of your current diseases and get information about the results of drug treatments. In our Medstar service, you can reach the blood test types that are necessary not only in the diagnosis of the disease, but also in other areas of life.

For example, with travel screening profiles and allergy testing requested in post travel processes, you can also benefit from our blood test service in situations that arise in your life. Our blood test types to manage and improve the processes of chronic diseases are as follows:

  • Full Blood Count (anaemia and immunity)

  • Blood Glucose (diabetes)

  • Cholesterol Blood Test (risks of heart attack & stroke)

  • Liver Function Test (the effects of alcohol and much more)

  • Kidney Function Test (Urea and Electrolytes)

  • Thyroid Function Test

  • Blood Clotting (risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis)

  • Blood Group (ABO)

  • PSA Test

  • Tumour markers including the New CA125, HE4 and ROMA

  • (Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm)

  • Drugs of abuse testing

  • The most affordable Chlamydia, Herpes, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis and HIV test London has to offer – the full range of sexual health tests and STD Testing

What You Need to Know Before Blood Test

There are some points that you should pay attention to while preparing for the blood test. The first is to not eat anything for a few hours before some blood tests. In order for your blood values ​​to be measured exactly, you should not introduce food, especially sugary foods, into your body. Your doctor will warn you if fasting is required. 

At the same time, you should inform your doctor and lab technician about the drugs you use while giving a blood test. Since some drugs can cause changes in blood values, drugs used to reach exact values ​​in blood tests should be considered. 

Hydration is among the issues to be considered before the blood test. Make sure you have enough fluid in your body so that the Technician can easily find your vein. 

In addition, if you experience any dizziness, nausea or dizziness during blood draw, be sure to inform the people around you and your technician about this. Paying attention to these issues will both increase the accuracy of blood test results and provide you with a more comfortable process.

Blood Test Service in London

Our medical centre in London has been developed so that patients can benefit from the most technological devices and successfully manage their treatment processes. With our affordable blood test service, it applies the blood analysis you need and is interpreted by our specialist doctors within Medstar.

In addition to being a test requested when doctors deem it necessary, it is an important step for the treatment and drug processes to continue without interruption. A patient can request a blood test and the test results are interpreted by our specialist doctors and necessary drug treatments are started. 

Even when drug treatment is not considered necessary, our doctors give advice in order to increase the quality of life of the patients. If you are looking for the best private health clinic in London for blood test packages, you can make your online appointment on Medstar's website.

Not only limited to the website, by downloading the Medstar App to your smart devices, you can choose among authorised Medstar doctors from various branches, create appointments and make video calls. Download Medstar App from Google Play for Android users and App Store for IOS users in minutes!


* Please note that the content of this blog has been reviewed by healthcare professionals, the views expressed herein are solely those of the author and should not be construed as expert advice. We value the input of our readers and encourage thoughtful engagement with the content provided. If you are willing to use this information stated here please advise with healthcare professionals.

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